
The Enfield & East Hertfordshire Local Area Group brings together six United Reformed Churches (URCs) and one Methodist/URC partnership in the London Borough of Enfield, and three URCs in East Hertfordshire.

The churches operate independently, holding weekly worship services on Sundays as well as a variety of youth organisations, Bible study groups, fellowship groups and other special events.

Please visit the Our Churches page for information about the individual churches, including contact details and links to their websites or Facebook pages.

The United Reformed Church is a national church movement that began as a union of the Congregational and Presbyterian Churches in 1972 but whose origins date back to the 16th century. The United Reformed Church is one of the three main Free Churches along with the Baptist and Methodist Churches. For more information please visit urc.org.uk.

Please email info@eehurc.org.uk if you have any questions or would like further information.